But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18

Friday, November 12, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time...

This song has forever been attributed in my mind (thanks to modern day marketing) not to Christmas but to "back to school". Have you seen that Staples commercial of the Dad wheeling around on the shopping cart throwing in school supplies as his children with long faces drag behind him? Only a parent who has endured a long summer cooped up with school age kids could appreciate the play on words! With that said, the song originally was intended to reference the joy of the holidays. For me, the most wonderful time of the year is autumn. The smell in the air, the varied color palette and the anticipation of the Holidays! I give pause every year to think that even the dying off of the summer season is beautiful. Our God makes all things beautiful in its time!

Looking back on the number of posts from the last year I realize that my writing opportunities have been few and far between over the summer months. I fully anticipated this once wedding season began but thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift - wedding season is OVER!! Don't get me wrong, I love weddings but after 36 weekends of petal pink taffeta bridesmaid dresses in "blush" and "bashful" I am ready to spend some time at home! Creatively speaking, I should be able to contribute far more to my favorite past time here at said blog. I have stated many times before that I have things that roll around in my head for weeks before I get around to writing them down. Sometimes they even fall out, oh cruel fate of aging brain!!

Marriage and family has been an increasing burden as is evident by my most recent series of posts on courtship. Being in crisis pregnancy center ministry we see the direct results of the breakdown of the home. This is Satan's most effective weapon in his arsenal because the ripple effect of a divorce is immeasurable! Not only are the husband and wife scarred but extended families, children, marriages of children, marriages of grandchildren, churches, neighborhoods, friendships and most importantly the glory of God is obscured. One thing that the Lord is teaching me is that God loves marriage because he loves faithfulness and nothing shows faithfulness like the relationship between Christ and the church (which is what our marriages are to mirror). How far above our own concepts of the marriage covenant, how far above societies portrayal, how much higher are his ways than our ways?

In times of tribulation in our marriages this allows us to back away from the intimate hurt to the greater over-arching purpose of why God created us as man and woman. This draws me away from the present sting of an emotional separation with Kraig to the glorious perspective of my joy in showing Christ to an unbelieving world. I can rest peacefully knowing that even this is for my sanctification. I was counseling a young wife the other day and I said to her, "Marriage is for our sanctification. I have learned how to bear the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, patience and self-control, patience and self-control and some patience and self-control...through my marriage. I have learned wisdom and submission and forgiveness and forbearance through my marriage. And I am the better for it!

Which brings me to this conclusion: God knows what He is doing whether we admit it or not. His plan ALWAYS proves best and we cannot improve on His perfection. Try as we may to pass off what is prevalent for what is permissive we cannot give ourselves any better than His way. So today, thank you Lord Jesus for marriage which is your design and your doing! Thank you for making us male and female, husband and wife, one flesh. Thank you for the blessings that bring us joy and for the adversities that bring us much needed sanctification. Thank you for being the perfect example of faithfulness to a sinful people who wouldn't know faithfulness without you! Keep us faithful in our marriages, always forgiving and forbearing, as Christ loves the church for your glory and great Name. Amen and amen.

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