But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Wives, Respect your Husband...

You know girls that I love you and because I love you I have to say a few things and shoot straight for the sake of Jesus so that His name not be profaned among unbelievers and so that He gets ultimate glory in our lives through which we get the good! I have a lot of young girls sitting across from me on a daily basis, bright, new diamonds on their hands with smiles shining as bright or brighter than any ring ever could. They look over at their soon-to-be husbands with sweet smiles and adoration and respect. You could hardly fit a piece of paper between the two of them. She rubs his arm as she asks “I don’t know, what do you think?” or “I don’t know, you decide.” I realize in that moment that they haven’t gotten anywhere close to being tried by fire in the furnace of marriage!

I don’t say that to make marriage out to be analogous to hell. I say that because marriage is hard and marriage is meant for our sanctification and marriage is meant to display the gospel. In that respect, marriage is a very high calling. So, I know you must wonder when the hammer will fall. Well, here it is: Wives respect your husbands! (Eph. 5:33b). I have to say that I have realized a whole lot about myself and a whole lot about us as women when it comes to how we treat our husbands. Most of the tongue lashings that occur from the pulpit give the husbands a firm talking to and even though most of the words from this passage in Ephesians 5 is written to husbands, the Lord still has instruction for us. Take note!

This all started several weeks ago when I was at the gym one afternoon. I was working out beside a young couple – well, they were working out – I was attempting to work out! Anyway, they were both poster children for fitness. She was young, petite, tan and you could have “launched” a quarter off of any part of her body. He was very much the same however, you could tell that maybe he had enjoyed one too many burgers here or there but not enough to take any measure of negative effect on the overall picture. As I did my planks (face down, which was a good thing) it was all I could do not to intervene! This woman sliced and diced her husband for a solid hour over his eating habits, his “weight gain” and his weak physique. As I looked over at him I could see the bitterness and hatred that was welling up inside of him. It would only be a matter of time…

On my way home, I couldn’t get that scene out of my head. And then it dawned on me: It doesn’t matter how good you look, how fit you are and how much you have on the ball, if you don’t respect your man you are walking on a very thin rope. I have seen lots of men with women who were not as fit, not as smart and not as beautiful as they are handsome and I have wondered, “what gives?” Now, I know! That woman respects her man!

Ladies, let me say this, a man will stay with a woman who makes him feel good about himself! Now, don’t get me wrong, that’s not the whole shooting match but it makes up for lack in other areas. God knew what he was saying when he instructed us to respect our husbands. Men desire respect like we desire love. It is their life blood! When was the last time you took the time to VERBALLY encourage your husband? To thank him for all that he does for your family? To build him up with admiration and honor not expecting a compliment in return? Just pure self-less lip service…

At this point you may be thinking back on the scene at the gym and saying, “that’s not me! I’ve never done that to my husband in a public place before.” Yeah, me neither! But I have in our home and I have in my heart. And you know what? He knows it! Girls, guys might be simple but they aren’t stupid! They know where they stand in your book. You don’t have to say it for them to read your actions, interpret your tone or feel the cold shoulder. A man has to fight for respect everywhere he goes but the one place he shouldn’t have to fight for respect is in his own home from his own flesh! I know you might be saying, “Well, you don’t know my husband.” You’re right. But I don’t have to. I know what the Lord has instructed and I also know that maybe, just maybe your husband is the way he is because your lack of respect has turned into a vicious cycle of selfish, bitterness where you are both withholding what the other wants…and it is sin!

I’ll close with this: we always talk about the Proverbs 31 woman in Christian circles. We put those verses on coffee cups, carry them on our keychains and hang them on plaques in our offices. Well, let me give you a verse straight out of Proverbs 31. Verse 12 says, “She (the wife) does him (the husband) good and not evil ALL the days of her life! All the days! All the days….good and not evil..and that means verbally, that means in her heart.

Girls, if you have a man that loves Jesus, goes to work to provide for you (no matter what his job is!) and he loves you – you have a good man! And..you better tell him so because there are plenty of desperate women out there looking for a good man who will be glad to take him off your hands!! Wives, respect your husbands!

And to my man: Kraig, I love you! Thank you for working hard, loving Jesus, loving our kids, loving me and being home at night! I thank God for you…you are His grace gift to me! Song of Songs 2:10

Saturday, August 11, 2012

My Horoscope

Don’t you just love those tests you can take online that will tell you what your name means or what personality traits you can derive from your name? I always love to take my birth date, name or some other set of facts about myself and plug them into a totally erroneous formula to see the accuracy of the results. They always say things like loving, energetic, creative and planning for the future. These can all be true some of the time. They never say things like hormonal, Type-A, hates housework and requires a minimum of 8 hours sleep to function with a smile. These can all be true most of the time. But, who wants to put that on a coffee cup or in their resume’ bio?

Some people do the same with horoscopes or tarot cards; and let’s not forget the latest t.v. sensation, Long Island medium who claims to channel the dead. My take on that: if you pay attention to what people say, ask the right questions and read their reactions then you could “channel the dead” too! The truth is, if you make descriptions broad enough you’ll get it right some of the time. The sad thing is, often, people base their lives around readings from the stars, the fortune cookie proverbs or messages from their loved ones who have passed away.

It isn’t often, however, that we encounter people who base their lives around the truth of scripture. Hebrews 4:12 says, “The word of God is LIVING and ACTIVE and SHARPER than any two-edged sword, piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

Let’s examine that verse for a minute. First the word of God is ALIVE. The word “living” represents an on-going present tense. The word of God is not alive one minute and then dead the next as we sometimes have a tendency to believe. Scripture makes claims about itself. In fact, the entire chapter of Psalm 119 is only about the word of God. One claim that is found over and over is the eternality of scripture. The word of God is everlasting and will endure forever. So, we may think that the word of God is not applicable to us today but that’s not what it says. As the living, breathing word of God, it is dynamic not static.

Second, the word of God is ACTIVE. Have you ever encountered anything that you thought might be dead because it doesn’t move? In July, I had a reception that was set up outside. A few hours before the ceremony, a turtle made its way onto the dance floor under the tent and then closed up shop. Once he got there, he never moved; at one point, we thought he might be dead. However, when we encounter something that is moving, working and active we never question if it is alive. It’s alive, because it is active. Dead things don’t move but things that are alive are active. Hence, the word of God is alive, active, effective and it always completes the task that it sets out to do. Isaiah 55:11 states it plainly, “So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.”

Thirdly, the word of God is SHARP. In fact, it is sharper than a two-edged sword. The double edged sword is a powerful weapon because it cuts both ways. It cuts on the top and the bottom and it cuts going in and coming out. Imagine the precision of the cut produced by a two-edged sword! Totally clean, totally precise and totally effective. I don’t suppose there are many tasks that are not thoroughly complete after encounter with a double edged sword! However, the idea here is not just in the precision of the word but also in the purpose of the word. Scripture serves to convict in its proclamation yet comfort in its exhortation. Therefore, scripture can be used to comfort or convict by the power of the Holy Spirit who acts as the applying agent in our hearts.

The verse goes on to expound on the imagery of the sword’s sharpness. It says that it can pierce through the division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. The analogy is two- fold here. The terms soul and spirit representing the intangible, immaterial part of us; joints and marrow representing the material or fleshly part of us. This does not mean that the word of God pierces us physically but it represents completeness in its ability to do its job. Scripture is so precise in its job that it can get to the very heart of who we are; the inner most parts that even we cannot see. Likewise, it can address those things externally that don’t line up with the truth of scripture as well. Like a good surgeon’s scalpel, the word of God convicts completely and precisely.

The verse wraps up by leaving nothing to spare in its description. If we don’t get the picture through the two adjectives “living and active” or by the imagery of the two-edged sword then the author drives it home with the last line, “and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” No matter how we try as humans we will never be able to accurately discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Jeremiah says that, “the heart is deceitful above ALL things and desperately wicked; who can know it?” The word of God knows the heart, it discerns the heart, it lays claim to the hidden, secret thoughts of the heart.

This may be the very reason that we find ourselves either running from the truth of scripture, taking scripture out of context, shooting the messenger or adopting a buffet mentality when applying it to our lives. No one likes the feeling of conviction but the purpose of conviction is sweet. Conviction strives to heal what is broken, release what has been imprisoned and restore what has been lost. Conviction is a gift to the believer, a light to the unbeliever and streams of water in a dry, thirsty land. Conviction rights our thinking, brings us to repentance and restores fellowship with our Savior.

Beloved, if you are far from the living, active, sharp word of God, run to it! It is a strong tower, a refuge, a hope and a light for our darkened paths. All scripture is literally “breathed out by God”. It is the very sweet, hot, breath of our God who, in His grace, is teaching us, warning us and revealing Himself to us that we might not sin against Him. What goodness from the hand of a loving Father who desires to see His children grow, be safe and know Him. That’s what any good, earthly father wants for his own children. How much more our Abba Father, Savior and King!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Seasons of Rain

It’s good to be writing again. Summer does a number on my writing schedule. Thankfully, you don’t need me. The Lord always has multiple channels for His word and it does not return void. Amen and amen.

Usually when I write I am inspired by what the Lord is teaching me through scripture I am studying or circumstances around me. Sometimes things go in cycles or there seem to be themes in life. Just recently I was meditating on how many tragedies we had been privy to in the last six weeks. It began with a friend, a young man of 38, who had a massive stroke and almost lost his life. He is home but, by no means, out of the woods. Several weeks later we got a call on a Friday evening that a dear friend had taken her own life after a long and weary battle with depression. Her parents, as unbelievers, sorrow with no hope as they struggle their way through this darkness. Then, this past Monday evening, we were shocked with the news that a young boy that goes to school with our children was hit by a car and remains in serious condition.
It’s enough to make you say, “What in the world is going on?”

Jesus said in His teaching from the sermon on the mount, “(God) sends rain on the just and the unjust” (Matt. 5:45); meaning, everyone, whether believer or unbeliever experiences rain. Rain can be a blessing or a curse depending on the circumstances.

In the case of people who live in arid climates or make their living from farming, rain is a highly prized and greatly desired commodity. Rain in Israel was a sign of blessing and refreshing from the Lord. There is great imagery in the Old Testament that talks about “trees planted by rivers of water” or “streams in the desert.” Israel would have automatically associated these descriptions with blessing and prosperity.

On the other hand, in Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus tells a parable of two builders who both built houses and endured a great storm. In this case, the rain was not welcome. The scripture says that the floods came, the winds blew and “slammed” against the house. Of the two houses, one was left standing, the other was not.

The question for us is not “if” the rains come but “when” the rains come what will be our foundation? For those who struggle in the midst of these grievous trials described above the difference is not in the nature of the trial but the comfort in the trial. You see, we are promised in Isaiah 43:2, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overtake you.” See the beginning word in that statement? When. When you encounter this stroke, this death of a loved one, this accident with your child, when you encounter THIS, I will be with you! That is the difference. We have One who sticks closer than a brother. His Spirit is within us and He will not, nor can not leave us because we are sealed; sealed until the day of redemption. You believer, when you suffer, are not alone.

Which points to the next question: But who is in charge of the rain? Try as we might to predict the rain and take appropriate action we are not able to control it. God, in His mercy, sends literal rain to replenish the earth, cleanse the earth and show his sovereignty over His creation. As God also, in His mercy, sends the storms of life to replenish us, cleanse us and show His sovereignty in our lives.

Therefore, God uses the rain to accomplish His purpose. And His purpose is always to display His glory through the gospel of His Son, Jesus Christ. Do you want to know what God’s purpose is in anything? His purpose is always elevating, proclaiming and drawing people to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Just like any other Father He is most proud of His Son! First, for who Jesus is, as the perfect Son of God but mostly for what He has done in becoming the object of God’s wrath that was rightly due to sinners like you and I.

Beloved, who can know the mind of God? We may never have answers for the floods in life, whether bad…or good. We can’t answer why bad things happen any more than we can answer why good things happen other than to say, “It rains on the just and the unjust.” However, we can know that our GOOD Father is accomplishing His purpose in bringing attention to the gospel and that we have God as our comfort.

God moves in a mysterious way

His wonders to perform;

He plants His footsteps in the sea

And rides upon the storm.
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;

The clouds ye so much dread

Are big with mercy and shall break

In blessings on your head.
His purposes will ripen fast,

Unfolding every hour;

The bud may have a bitter taste,

But sweet will be the flower.