But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Live on Purpose...That's all I've got to say!

It's Sunday afternoon, arguably my most favorite time in the week, the kids are being too quiet in their rooms, Kraig is taking a nap and I am sitting by the fireplace in total silence! It almost seems too good to be true and if I were the one taking the nap it might be! It is amazing what Satan will use to try and get you worked up.

Brief Explanation: We have a Thanksgiving dinner at church this afternoon and so, being the designated Betty Crocker of the family (we have a Betty Crocker instead of an Emeril Lagasse, daggone it!) I am responsible for the "covered dishes" we have to bring for our family thus excluding me from a nap. (Side note: What is the origin of the "covered dish" and is there truly anything better that Baptists have come up with to this day?) Anyway, there is nothing worse than being half-way to la-la land when the kitchen timer goes off. With that said, I am envious of my snoring husband while I wait for the oven to pre-heat! However, I am CHOOSING not to make too much noise by accidentally dropping the pan on the floor, turning the blender on turbo or setting off the smoke alarm. This is my definition of an EXCELLENT WIFE :)!!!

I just love how the Lord can inspire with a wonderful illustration to bring me to my case in point: CHOICE or as I like to say, "Intentional or being purposeful." A few weeks ago the Pastor of Grace Church, Mark Fesmire, came and provided the staff at the pregnancy center with a devotional based on the acrostic V.I.M.: vision, intention, means. Since then I have been nearly addicted to the word intention or more specifically intentional. My husband would say that I use this word more than is necessary when talking about everything from peanut butter to makeup (and believe me you have to be intentional with both - but never at the same time - except maybe if you are eating breakfast while doing your makeup - which, by the way, happens in my bathroom alot!) I digress. But the reality is that we have to be intentional in EVERYTHING we do in life in order to glorify and please Him. We live on purpose when we choose and when we choose NOT to choose. Does that make sense?

Something will guide our lives. Either the flesh, leading to death or the Spirit leading to life. But make no mistake, if I am not living in the Spirit then I am living in the flesh. There is no third alternative. I can usually spot when I am living in the flesh because I am highly reactionary and emotional and not in a positive way! When I am living in the Spirit I am thinking and choosing deliberately. Like right now, I am choosing to not allow the jealousy that I feel towards my husband to create a wedge between us. To many women that may sound silly but I have driven a wedge over far less than a nap at times. Anyone else?

I think what I am learning is that everything in the Christian life that keeps us moving forward in sanctification is done with an attitude of intentional perseverance like running a race. Anytime you run for any distance over a few miles there comes a point when you have to push through the desire to stop. My walk is much the same way. It is easier to be reactionary and not to have to choose on purpose but then I suffer consequences later.

So, where am I going with all of this? I am trying to stop for five seconds and ask myself "Does this glorify the Lord?" If I can say, "Yes" then I proceed. If I can't, then I don't. I am trying to be intentional about what I let come out of my mouth, what I let into my mind and what I think on. I am trying to be keenly aware of how my actions, through word and deed, affect other people. Does it show Christ to them? Does it not? Is this helpful or hurtful? Is this moving me toward Jesus or away from Him. I've been working on this for the last three weeks or so. It was hard at first because I was just coming out of a season where the flesh was reigning in all it's ugliness! It was almost like I was having to retrain myself how to think, in fact, it was that very thing! Renewing my mind by the word of God. After three weeks, it has gotten easier because my Spirit is getting stronger. I am more circumspect of the enemy and his attacks lest I fall to temptations which are led away by my own desire, give birth to sin and when it is full grown produces death (James 1:15).

I want to share this so much because it has helped my marriage (case in point - Sun. afternoon nap!), guided me in keeping my mouth shut in a few social situations (miracle of all miracles!) and all around taught me in applying the Word to my life. Isn't this wisdom? Oh my gosh! Answered prayer! It is no coincidence that I am studying Proverbs and learning about living skillfully! Thank you Lord for wisdom that has been earnestly prayed for! Keep me humble in this discovery because You alone are wise and all wisdom comes from You! And...thank you for keeping me from kicking my husband off the couch in the middle of his nap!

1 comment:

  1. Hi friend! Love the blog, love the design. Looking forward to reading all about you. (=
