But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Who Knew?

Eleven years, ELEVEN years! Today, Kraig and I have been married 11 years. I have been saying to myself all week - "who knew?" Ultimately, the answer to that question is that God knew! He knew in spite of all of our short-comings and fears that "He would do a work in our day", as He told Habakkuk, "that if He told us we would not believe!" Praise Him! I was talking to my Mom this morning about what we were doing at 9:30am eleven years ago...she was fixing me my last breakfast at home as a single woman. I almost cannot describe the feelings I had on that day...scared to death, not knowing what to expect, trying to be excited that this was my wedding day and trying to be brave because I knew this is what I had to do. This was the right choice. I didn't know much else but I knew that this was right and you can't improve on that. So, I made a choice.

Choice. That is a word that a lot of young people don't realize about marriage. Instead we substitute "feelings" for "choice". Then, when the feelings change the choice changes. But, when the choice is made and the feelings change - the choice remains. I almost can see now that making that choice without all of the feelings was a grace from God. As women, we are so driven by feeling that we can swing like a pendulum from one day to the next. If I had made my decision to marry Kraig on feeling, I would have probably bailed within a few years. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Kraig but I choose to stay. Why? Because this covenant is not mine to break. The marriage covenant belongs to God not man and I covenanted on that day to the Lord to be Kraig's wife.

I would be remiss if I didn't give all glory to the Lord first and foremost! We were a total mess in a total mess! Only God could have made us what we are today - joyful! We are joyful about each other and our marriage. We are joyful to the Lord for His sanctifying work in our lives through the hardships of life and marriage. We are joyful that we have been able to experience life together.

I would also be remiss if I didn't recognize that our eleven years is a drop in the bucket compared to the 88 plus years of marriage that we have had as our example from two COMMITTED sets of parents! We have known the perseverance and CHOICE of marriage from them year after year after year. I love nothing more than the thought of two gray-headed people loving each other right onto glory. God grant us this grace!

And to my husband...Kraig, on this day I love you more than I ever thought possible. I praise God for giving me what I needed and wanted even when I couldn't know what that was! It amazes me that you are to me each year all that I need and want as we grow older and walk through the seasons of life together. I would not want to do life with anyone but you! Thank you for cherishing me, loving our kids and being the servant-leader Christ has called you to be! I am overwhelmed that you have always seen in me what I hope to be. Thank you for being my companion, my counselor, my friend...who knew?

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