But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Taking Back Our Homes - Part Three

Part Three: A Knowledge of God’s Purposes

Just about the time we felt that Kraig and I were starting to get a handle on instilling a biblical worldview, we had yet another challenge set before us. This time the challenge came from a series of messages preached by Matt Chandler, pastor of The Village Church in Dallas, TX. Again, I cannot recommend his preaching with any more enthusiasm. In his late thirties, he has an amazing story in that he has a rare form of brain cancer that is in remission. He is practical, passionate and preaches truth with great clarity. This series of messages in particular is called, “Village Identity”. The first message however, was the one that spoke volumes to my heart and opened my eyes to something I had missed up to this point in my Christian walk.

We have heard a lot about purpose in recent years. There have been many books, bible studies and conferences surrounding the subject of purpose. Purpose is important because it gives us motivation for why we do what we do. It answers our most basic fundamental questions about existence and what we can hope to make of life. Purpose is the fuel that drives our passions, desires, hopes, plans and many people have wasted their lives because they lacked purpose. On the surface it seems that our purpose is a simple answer. We typically revert to our daily routines to answer the question, “What is my purpose? Well, I am a Mom so I make the lunches and get the kids ready for school. I make sure there is food in the house, clothes that are clean and homework is completed. I am a wife, I am a nurse, I am a teacher, I am a”…fill in the blank. So our purpose is wrapped up in what we DO. The problem is if our purpose is wrapped up in our works then we get the idea that we have something to do with earning our purpose – that we are only as purposeful as what we are able to do. What does that mean for the person who has lost their job, is physically handicapped or is unknown? This is why our culture screams for fame. This is why we have shows like “American Idol” and “America’s Got Talent” to name a few. This is why once people have tasted fame they have a hard time returning to the obscurity of everyday life and many of them take their lives because they feel like they no longer have a purpose.

As believers we can’t simply answer these questions without factoring God into the equation. Furthermore, we need to know what God is doing so that we, as His people, can be about what He is doing. If we aren’t about what God is doing then our purpose and all that we would do is futile at best. So,what if we backed it out even farther and asked “What is God’s purpose and how do I fit in?”
It says in Psalm 23:3 that all God is to us in verses 1 and 2, is for His name’s sake. Scripture is full of references that teach us that God does what He does for one purpose: the praise of His glorious grace! So, if God’s purpose is His own glory then YOUR purpose is His glory. 1 Corinithians 10:31 puts it simply, “Whether you eat or drink, whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Therefore, we can quickly see that our purpose has little to do with us. In fact, everything that God has done for us through Christ is so that we might be freed up to make much of Him! Does it sting a little bit? It did for me. What about the God who loves me, cares for me and is in pursuit of me? What about ME? The truth is God does love us, care for us and pursue us but not because of us! We are NOT the object of His affection. God loves, cares, pursues and saves us FOR HIS GLORY! Read Ephesians 1:1-14 and count how many times the phrase “to the praise of His glory” is stated.

So, why is this GOOD news? Why is taking me off the throne good news to me? Well, mainly because if you were created to bring glory to God and you fulfill that purpose then it will bring you joy! If someone came up to you tomorrow and said “I know what your purpose is in life and I can help you to fulfill it” wouldn’t you be ecstatic? You wouldn’t waste a single minute finding out what it was and how to get it! Well, here it is! Better yet, all of the commands God has given us in His word are to line us up with His plan so that our joy might be full! God is for our joy! Let me say that again, God is for our joy! It is a great lie of the devil that God is about robbing us of our joy and that He sets up rules in order to keep us from joy. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

At this point, many of you may be wondering how suffering fits into this picture. How many of us haven’t asked at one point or another, “God, if you are good, why is this happening to me?” Suffering fits in by showing us that God is enough in those times. You see, God is the gospel. The good news is that we get Jesus. He is our inheritance, our peace and our crown. Most of us still think that our inheritance is heaven and that we are saved from hell so that we can go to heaven. Although as redeemed we will go to heaven, heaven is a benefit but not the gospel. John 3:16 doesn’t say, “For God so loved the world that He sent HEAVEN that whosoever believes in HEAVEN should not perish but have eternal life.” God sent His Son. Our inheritance is Christ, not riches like those here on earth but the unfathomable riches of God and who He is will satisfy our souls for all eternity.

In conclusion, you have to get over you! I have to get over me! This is not about us and we are not the point. If we could finally, once and for all, turn off the television and the radio, turn off the media and the culture and realize that we don’t have to make much of us then we would be FREE! When it is about us then we are easily bothered and angered by people when they don’t perform. We are constantly looking for someone to blame for our unhappiness, dissatisfaction and misfortune. But when we are freed up to fulfill our purpose in making God’s name great we can extend grace, love deeply, serve selflessly and parent effectively!

Lord, thank you that your purposes are all wrapped up in who you are! Thank you that we exist to bring you glory and in that we find great joy! Grant us wisdom through your Word in parenting the gifts of grace you have given us in our children. Amen!

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