But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18

Friday, April 8, 2011

What's For Dinner?? Part One

I think it is safe to say that I could live out the rest of my life never having to think about what is for dinner again. Or, hearing the question, “What’s for dinner?” Followed by a myriad of responses that range from utter joy to total disdain and despair. Inevitably, I try to keep things varied, quick and nutritious but alas, nothing ever seems to rival the frozen pizza. I believe it holds top place among the members of this house. Cheese, pepperoni and a side of grease is always devoured with delight! My mother-in-law is quick to put things in perspective for me. After 53 years of marriage, which computes to roughly 55,000 meals, in case you were wondering, twelve piddly years of marriage at only one meal a day seems extremely pawtry. Here’s a woman who made a full breakfast every morning, packed everyone’s lunch and had dinner on the table promptly at 5:30p.m. complete with steam and a smile. I imagine over 53 years the smile has faded and slowly been downgraded by gravity. I’m working hard to keep mine at a consistent smirk!

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy cooking, when I have the time - which isn’t very often. I just don’t like trying to be creative, while satisfying a group of extremely diverse palates. I have the 8 year old who is the pasta queen. She could survive off of boxed mac and cheese, spaghettios and ramen noodles. Then there is the 11 year old who literally has three food groups: peanut butter, jelly and balsamic vinegar...oh and bread for the pb&j so that ups the count to four. He can eat anything as long as one of these ingredients is included. It is a good night if he gets two or more together at once. The third is a forty-something year old who likes meat, potatoes and cookies, Oreos to be precise. Although he is branching out into onions, peppers and sauteed spinach, he can still give a good huff when we have something less than his favorite. I have to say they all do love candy, candy corn, candy canes and syrup (all you “Elf” fans will know what I’m talking about). So, the perfect meal would be meat, potatoes, ramen noodles, balsamic vinegar and plenty of sugar for dessert...every night. As for me, I don’t really care as long as it is quick, contains parts of most of the five basic food groups and doesn’t wreck my diet for the entire year!

I wonder if the Lord had this issue when He was determining what to feed the people in the wilderness? Was manna the ultimate super food? It would most certainly have been to sustain them for three years! It would most likely have contained the right balance of protein, carbs, vitamins and minerals in order to keep the Israelites healthy and strong. Remember, they weren’t heading to the gym in order to keep their weight down! They weren’t training for marathons or tri-athalons, they had to exert physical energy just to stay alive! They had to collect the manna, grind it, make it into cakes and cook it. They were constantly consumed with daily tasks to keep the camp running. Sweeping out the tents, gathering wood, fetching water, maintaining the tabernacle...just to name a few. Other than observing the Sabbath day, there wasn’t much time for rest. Not to mention the fact that every few months they were pulling up camp to journey on to the next location, only to go through the whole ritual again. Glamourous lifestyle huh? I have to say that I wouldn’t have been too thrilled with it myself. Actually, I think I probably would have been a token Israelite, complete with complaints, dissatisfaction, ungratefulness and a not so favorable opinion of manna!

All of this is good for a LOL and even a “thank you Jesus that I’m living in 2011!” But truthfully, not much has changed about the human condition. We look at those people and think, “How ungrateful, how dissatisfied, how influenced and fearful and unbelieving and idolatrous they were!” Newsflash: Even Solomon said, “There is nothing new under the sun!” People haven’t changed just because the age of technology has made life easier. On the contrary, we are more ungrateful, dissatisfied, influenced, fearful, unbelieving and idolatrous!

I’ve been studying Numbers 11 about the Israelites complaints against God and His provision of manna. I have seen myself in these scriptures and been brought to conviction over my ungrateful attitude and lack of humility over what God has so graciously provided for me. I like to think I don’t walk around a complaining bundle of angst but in my own way, in my own heart, I have been ungrateful. I have been envious of what others seem to have over me. I have judged how my neighbor spends her time, talent and treasure. I have coveted and desired the blessings of another over my own. I have WANTED someone else’s blessing! This, girls, is dangerous territory! We are trampling on the goodness and wisdom and grace of our Lord, just as the Israelites did so many years ago.
To be continued...

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